The €35,000 drone that can monitor, spray and weed 1,000ac a day


Published in:

Farming Independent



Tier Outlet



Outlet Monthly Visits

Published on

October 22, 2024

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ZenaDrone is leading mission-critical data collection and operational farming technology that has been developed specifically to help avoid the destruction of crops through identifying and mitigating possible diseases. It is a holistic farming technology solution that protects harvests from seed to sale. ZenaDrone uses state-of-the-art technology to help save farmers’ crops, protecting their future in return. The company’s purpose-built drone, the ZenaDrone 1000, has industrial and automated sensors for monitoring, a high-definition camera for image and video, GPRS abilities, and carbon fiber shell coating. It has an extended flight time due to its long-lasting battery. The OctoCopra feature enables camera stabilisation and a vertical take-off and landing mechanism. The lightweight flying camera can record 4K videos and capture high megapixel photos. It is proficient in both active tracks, which allows an aircraft to track a moving subject without a separate GPS tracker, and tap flying which allows the user to fly in any direction with a tap of the finger, without a remote controller. It is made explicitly for multipurpose uses in various industries, particularly in farming.

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